Localization Testing QA

Localization Testing QA


Langupedia provides comprehensive testing and quality assurance (QA) services for software and website localization projects.
Proof-reading and reviewing ensure accuracy, consistency, appropriate formatting and overall quality of the final product—exactly what you need to meet the expectations of your international audience.

Quality Assurance 

During a full-scale globalization effort, the translation of an application often exposes product coding or presentation layer issues that require resolution. These can include broken functionality and cosmetic issues that can confuse or frustrate international users. It’s also common to have mistranslations due to the limited context a translator has while working with software string lists or resource files. Our expert teams identify and correct these functional, linguistic and cosmetic issues throughout the globalization cycle to ensure exceptionally smooth international product releases.


The editing process involves the review and revision of a translation to make overall improvements in the text, focusing primarily on the correction of translation errors and the improvement of accuracy and style. Our linguists are especially trained to review the presentation of a text in its final layout. Our team corrects grammar, spelling punctuation and word usage mistakes as well as idiomatic expressions. Translations are also compared against the original for missing text and inconsistencies in layout and font.


Our linguists also proofread translations, comparing the foreign language document to the original text, identifying errors which have been introduced in the process of reformatting and, if appropriate, ensuring conformity to the required layout and typographic specifications. With our top-quality proofreading services you can rest assured that the target document is error-free and is thoroughly checked for uniformity.

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